Give Me the Heart of Stephen
Scripture: Acts 7:60 Then he fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, he fell asleep.
Observation: I read about Stephen and he must have really pleased God. Willing to serve the widows, strong in faith and a heart for God and others. Most of the time my thoughts are about me whether something I want or worried about what is going to happen to me. It comes down to selfishness and here is a man being killed for our Lord and yet he asked forgiveness for those killing him. I can’t even forgive those that hurt my feelings, I have such a long way to go.
Application: Ask God for a softer and kinder heart. Take the focus off me and focus on pleasing God by obeying what he wants of me. Not to hold a grudge and desire ill of someone but always have a loving heart.
Prayer: Dear Lord the things I desire to be I can’t do on my own. I’m a sinner and a self-centered man and you deserve so much more from me. Continue to change me into the likeness of your son as you did for Stephen. May you be able to look down on me and smile with pride.