What Do I Fix My Eyes On?
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Observation: Unfortunately to often my eyes are fixed on this world my troubles, my finances, my enjoyment of things and the things I see each day. I have my moments in prayer, reading, studying and in service that my eyes are fixed on my eternity and my love for God, but it’s not often enough. You would think by now I would spend more time with my Lord since it is my best time, but my eyes are fixed in the wrong place.
Application: To remember why I’m here. God didn’t put me here to desire or worry what is temporary, but to call me to a higher purpose, bring His children home. I wonder what it is I’m suppose to be doing, but if I fix my eyes and spend more time with my God he’ll tell me, he doesn’t want it to be a secret, but the reason I’m here.
Prayer: Dear Lord may my eyes be fixed on you. Speak to ma and guide me on this journey you have put me on. May all I see is you and the goal you set before me and may I finish this race well.