Harvesting the Crop
Scripture: Matthew 9:[38] Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Observation: God is asking , no telling me I should be harvesting the people so others may know the love of God and not perish. He had people harvest me so that I may enjoy the gift of salvation and have my mind renewed so I would understand his love for me and now it is my turn.
Application: Ask God what he wants me to do. Look for opportunities to touch others with the gospel and do my part as a harvester. Make it my top priority to be a harvester and not something I do out of convenience. Remember where people are going if I don’t do my job and how I will hurt the heart of God by not caring.
Prayer: My Lord there is nothing I can do apart from you so please fill me with your power and show me how to bring others to you. Show me how to be bold and proclaiming the gospel to others and may I touch the hearts of those that don’t know you.