Spending Time with the Sick
Scripture: Mark 2: 17 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Observation: It is wonderful to be with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I feel comfortable and it’s great talking about Jesus and all the things that happen in our life the life of others. Yes it’s a lot easier to share within our Christian family. However it doesn’t accomplish what God calls us to do, bring others to him.
Application: I need to make my beliefs obvious to the people God surrounds me with. I need to search for opportunities to be with non-believers so I can tell them of the love of God and his desires for them.
Prayer: Dear Lord place someone in my path today that doesn’t know you. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and speak through me the things you desire so I may draw them close to you. May I please you today.