Give God What Is His
Scripture: Luke 20:25 “Caesar’s,” they replied.
He said to them, “Then give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”
Observation: What’s God’s? Everything that I have and am is God’s, so He deserves everything. I should be giving Him my love, obedience, service and possessions. So if everything is God’s why do I give Him so little?
Application: I need to start giving God what He deserves and that is all of me. He needs to be first in my life and my life should be dedicated to serving Him. I must pray for strength and wisdom to know what to do each day and then do it.
Prayer: Dear Lord everything belongs to you and you deserve the best from me. Guide me today to give you my all and to show me how to please you this day. I love you Lord, help me show you by the way I live this life.