Daily Devotional

God Determines

Scripture: Acts 17:[26] From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.

Observation: God determines what is best for me, where I should live what he wants me to do. He is the one I should be following, not my own instincts or desires. He has a plan for my life and I want to fulfill that plan in glory and honor to Him.

Application: To pray and follow God each day and ask him what he wants of me. I want to be where he desires me to be. Make sure that I do not stray from God put stay close and listen for His instructions.

Prayer: Dear Lord open my eyes to your desires and that I will be where you want me to be and I will follow you and do what you want me to do. I belong to you I am your servant, your child and your bond slave, lead me each day.

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