Why Don’t I Confide in my Father?
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 6: 18 “I will be a Father to you,
and you will be my sons and daughters,
says the Lord Almighty.”
Observation: All through the Bible God is called my Father, so why don’t I talk to Him as a loving Father. He has given me everything and asks very little in return. He has never let me down, yet I don’t trust that He cares. I pray to Him but I don’t talk or listen. I’m anxious as if everything depends on me, even though He is always there next to me, loving me. He protects me from everything yet I’m still afraid. My Father has always been faithful, it’s me that can’t be trusted.
Application: Realize God has a plan for me and He is with me every step of the way. Nothing can happen to me without my Father allowing it to be and He loves me so it will always be for my own good. Realize I’m not living this life alone, but I have a loving Heavenly Father with me every step of the way.
Prayer: Dear Father forgive me for my lack of faith and the fear I carry with me all the time. Open my eyes to realize you love me and you are always with me. Guide me through this life that I will fulfill the purpose you have created me for.