Dear Lord Humble Your Servant
Scripture: Philippians 2 [3] Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
Observation: Since I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior I’ve been doing much better putting the needs of others above my own, but not enough to honor God. The Word says do nothing out of selfish ambition, yet my first thoughts are still of me and How will I benefit from a situation. Even when I do something that would honor God and meet the needs of others I still have that tendency to get some credit for it, instead of giving all the glory to God.
Application: Remember I am not here for me but for God and others. My purpose is to spread the gospel so others may here it and allow the Holy Spirit to work in their hearts. People will only listen if they know I care so I need to continue to work on my heart and care for others above myself.
Prayer: Dear Lord you have renewed my mind and I ask that you continue to change me into the likeness of Your Son.