Being Ready to Encourage or Rebuke
Scripture: Titus 1: [9] He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.
Observation: I need to study more so that I know the scriptures and will be able to hold on firmly so when the time comes I can use my sword. I need to have an open mind and understand how God wants to use me. Then I will know who I should be encouraging or refuting and why.
Application: I need to live my life as the word says, holding on to it each day. I need to be careful not to be a hypocrite by saying one thing and doing another. I’m here to spread the gospel, encourage my brothers and sisters and rebuke evil and help turn others away from Hell.
Prayer: Dear Lord help me study your word and open my eyes to use it as you desire. Direct me each day to the people you want me to minister to and make me the man I need to be.