Following His Example
Scripture: Hebrews 4: [15] For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are–yet was without sin.
Observation: Jesus showed me the way to live the life that honors God. He went through so much more then I will ever have to and did everything perfectly. Jesus practiced what He preached, He loved everyone, showed others His love for the Father and did His Father’s will no matter what. He put himself and his needs below others and maintained a humble attitude.
Application: Jesus showed me the way and He told me He is with me always to help me get through my trials, temptations and shortcomings. I need to take the focus off myself and place it on doing God’s will. I need to put others before myself and not be so judgmental all the time. It’s time I pick up my cross and follow my Lord each day.
Prayer: Thank you Jesus for dying for me. I know I’m not worth it and will never understand the depth of your love for me. Please take me by the hand today and show me how to live in such a way that I to may hear, “behold my son with whom I am well please.”