Month: July 2021

Help Me Sing Praises

Scripture: James 5:13 Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise.

Observation: I pray a lot when I’m in trouble which seems to be considerable at times, but when do I sing praises. I’m so busy complaining and focusing on my troubles and pain I forget all of God’s blessings in my life which outnumber by far. The people around me should be seeing me praise the Lord for the happiness He has given me and not see this poor old man that is complaining about the little things that Satan puts in his path.

Application: Focus on God’s blessing each day so I won’t even see the traps Satan places in my path. Use those troubles to glorify God, knowing He will rescue me and not abandon me. That people will see me and see a person that is full of joy and ask what I am happy about, giving me the opportunity to point them to my source of Joy, Jesus.

Prayer: Dear Lord you are always there for me all I have to do is open my eyes to see. Help keep me focused on you and the joy you put in my life. May an hour never pass that I don’t thank you for the blessings you surround me with.


Scripture: James 4: [17] Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.

Observation: Wow that hurt. It hurts because I’m so guilty of being lazy and making excuses not to do the things I know I should be doing. When it comes to serving or attending studies that would help me grow closer to God I make excuses and tell myself how tired I am. I focus on the little good I have already done thinking that’s enough or its more than most do. knowing God deserves much more from me.

Application: No more excuses. I’m not going to avoid doing the good I know I should be doing and I’m going to seek for opportunities to honor God instead of sitting on that stupid couch.

Prayer: Dear Lord thank you that you are not me, because if you were I would be burning in Hell at this moment, not worrying about someone as undeserving as me. I need your help Lord to be a man that does good in your name, because I’m a sinner and that is not my nature. I need the nature of Jesus to honor you.

Proving What You Preach

Scripture: James 3:13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.

Observation: Deeds done in humility, which means God gets the credit not you. I tell God that I’m doing something out of glory and honor for Him, but when someone praises me for doing something how fast am I to give the credit to God? Do I do things to get recognized or am I so humble that people just see the deed and not the doer. God tells us if we are going to do something for Him do it in private, because if man recognizes it that will be your reward.

Application: I can never repay God for all He has done for me and I do what to make Him proud of His child. I what my good deeds to be just between Him and I unless what I do draws others to my Father and not this sinner.

Prayer: Dear Lord you are worthy of all my love, all my praise and all my obedience. May I bear fruit in your name and may that fruit be pleasing to you.

Faith is an Action Word

Scripture: James 2: [17] In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

Observation: Faith is a verb and in my life should be doing something. God has given me commands to do things with this life He has blessed me with. I’m supposed to spread the gospel, take care of the poor, love others and each one of these demands an action to be accomplished. I can’t tell God I have faith and that I love Him, but do nothing to prove it.

Application: In a week I’ll be heading up the Thanksgiving dinner for those in need and this is an action of faith, but it’s only one thing. I should be busy everyday putting my faith into action. Others should be able to see my faith by what I do and I need to be doing something.

Prayer: Dear Lord I can’t thank you enough for all you have done for me and I know I could never pay you back. Let me show you that I love you through my actions by keeping your commandments and doing the things that bring you joy.

How Can I Doubt God?

Scripture: James 1:[6] But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

Observation: Why would I have such a difficult time trusting God? He is faithful, loving, caring and He is my Master. He tells me in His word everything He is going to do and what He expects of me. But when I ask Him in prayer what I need, I still doubt if He is listening. God is the only one that is trustworthy and if I can’t trust Him what am I going to do.

Application: I need to stand on His word and belief without a doubt He will do what He says He will do. Instead of doubting I need to listen and watch how God will work in each situation. I need to be obedient to Him in everything that happens in my life.

Prayer: Dear Lord I believe, help me with my unbelief. You have been so faithful and loving to me and I know I don’t deserve it. Guide and help me learn more about You and what you desire for me.

My Lord Equips Me

Scripture: Hebrews 13: [21] equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Observation: I keep thinking I have to get it together and use my abilities to accomplish God’s will. Yet that is not the way it is, God gives me the talents and gifts and opportunities to do His will here on earth. I however have a choice whether to listen to Him or not. Unfortunately I’m sure I have missed many opportunities to honor Him, because I don’t listen or just too busy doing things my way. I worry about missing His direction and those most likely are the times He speaking to me, to get my attention.

Application: I need to be confident in knowing that God has given me everything I need to do His will and if I wait and listen to hear Him He will direct me. I need to catch myself when I worry and at that moment go to God to my Lord for guidance.

Prayer: My Lord you have equipped me and have blessed me abundantly to do Your will. Take any fear and doubt from my spirit and help me fulfill the purpose you have created your servant for.

Lord Help Me Run This Race

Scripture: Hebrews 12: 1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

Observation: Each day I’m running the race my God has marked out for me and I’m coming closer to the finish each day. Each day I seem to go off course, slip and fall or just tire of the running. I do not persevere for the most part and feel it’s easier standing on the side watching instead of running, but that is not what God has created me for. I want the prize at the end knowing if I finish well I would please my creator, my Lord.

Application: I need to make running this race the priority in my life. I allow so many things to come before my walk with Christ, things that don’t last or matter when it comes to my eternal life. I need to realize the distractions that cause me to go off course in my daily race and push them off to the side where they belong and keep my eyes fixed on what my God desires of me.

Prayer: Dear Lord I need you to help me run this race each day. My mind is overwhelmed with distractions and the enemy is having too much fun with me keeping me off the path. Help me stay focused on the finish line and give me the strength and courage to run with all of my might and cross the finish line in glory to you.