Help Me Sing Praises
Scripture: James 5:13 Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise.
Observation: I pray a lot when I’m in trouble which seems to be considerable at times, but when do I sing praises. I’m so busy complaining and focusing on my troubles and pain I forget all of God’s blessings in my life which outnumber by far. The people around me should be seeing me praise the Lord for the happiness He has given me and not see this poor old man that is complaining about the little things that Satan puts in his path.
Application: Focus on God’s blessing each day so I won’t even see the traps Satan places in my path. Use those troubles to glorify God, knowing He will rescue me and not abandon me. That people will see me and see a person that is full of joy and ask what I am happy about, giving me the opportunity to point them to my source of Joy, Jesus.
Prayer: Dear Lord you are always there for me all I have to do is open my eyes to see. Help keep me focused on you and the joy you put in my life. May an hour never pass that I don’t thank you for the blessings you surround me with.