Daily Devotional

My Lord Equips Me

Scripture: Hebrews 13: [21] equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Observation: I keep thinking I have to get it together and use my abilities to accomplish God’s will. Yet that is not the way it is, God gives me the talents and gifts and opportunities to do His will here on earth. I however have a choice whether to listen to Him or not. Unfortunately I’m sure I have missed many opportunities to honor Him, because I don’t listen or just too busy doing things my way. I worry about missing His direction and those most likely are the times He speaking to me, to get my attention.

Application: I need to be confident in knowing that God has given me everything I need to do His will and if I wait and listen to hear Him He will direct me. I need to catch myself when I worry and at that moment go to God to my Lord for guidance.

Prayer: My Lord you have equipped me and have blessed me abundantly to do Your will. Take any fear and doubt from my spirit and help me fulfill the purpose you have created your servant for.

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