Daily Devotional

Proving What You Preach

Scripture: James 3:13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.

Observation: Deeds done in humility, which means God gets the credit not you. I tell God that I’m doing something out of glory and honor for Him, but when someone praises me for doing something how fast am I to give the credit to God? Do I do things to get recognized or am I so humble that people just see the deed and not the doer. God tells us if we are going to do something for Him do it in private, because if man recognizes it that will be your reward.

Application: I can never repay God for all He has done for me and I do what to make Him proud of His child. I what my good deeds to be just between Him and I unless what I do draws others to my Father and not this sinner.

Prayer: Dear Lord you are worthy of all my love, all my praise and all my obedience. May I bear fruit in your name and may that fruit be pleasing to you.

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