Why Do I Doubt?
Scripture: Matthew 14:31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”
Observation: That sounds like my life. So many times Jesus had to reach out to me and save me and you would think after so many times I would no longer doubt. My faith is weak and I don’t understand why I doubt God’s power and love. I so easily get worried or anxious about nothing and then forget about God’s love for me.
Application: I need to remember who I am in Christ. I’m a child of God and then think of all the times God has rescued me from so many different situations. I need to have faith and believe God loves me as much as He says He does and to know this is not my home, my home is with Him.
Prayer: Dear Lord forgive me for my lack of faith and I ask you to increase my faith. To show me how to look at this life through your eyes and to give me courage through all the trials and tribulations that I would come out as gold.