May I Give Mercy
Scripture: Matthew 12: [7] If you had known what these words mean, `I desire mercy, not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the innocent.
Observation: I keep thinking if I do more things for Jesus that is what will please Him and yet He asks me to live each day in obedience to the Father. I plan outreaches, pray each day and read my Bible and then I go out into the world and live my life the way I want to. I judge others, look at most as sinners and speak without regards that they are God’s children. If God had the same mercy as I do, I would be burning in hell at this moment.
Application: I’m a new creation in Christ the old Mark is gone and a new one is being created each day. God has changed my heart, but allows me each day to make decisions that result in the finished person He wants me to be. I need to take up my cross and live the life God wants me to live and stop trying to satisfy myself. I need to look at others as an opportunity to show God’s love through me that my Father would be pleased and have no regrets of the mercy He has shown me in my life.
Prayer: Dear Father may today be a day that you look down on your servant and it brings a smile to your face. That your child would treat others with such love and respect, that you may say in your heart, that’s my boy.