My Stubborn Heart
Scripture: Mark 3:5 He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored.
Observation: He must see my stubborn heart when I refuse to do the things He desires me to do. I make so many excuses to why I can’t do things I know would honor Him. I’m too tired, too busy, and basically I just want to do what I want to do. I let self-pride and my desires get in the way of doing God’s will. If He was angry and distressed at the Pharisees I wonder How He feels about me at times.
Application: I wonder how long it will be before I get tired of letting Jesus down. I need to set my priorities right, putting God first in my life. I’m supposed to do a staff appreciation dinner, yet not enough people have responded and I want to call it off. I need God’s guidance and not my own to know what to do.
Prayer: Dear Lord speak to my heart on what to do. You need to sit at the throne of my heart and command me what to do in every situation. Speak to me and let me know whether to call off the dinner this Monday. Reign in my life my Lord.