Telling Others About Jesus
Scripture: Matthew 5: [19] Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.”
Observation: This is the story about the demon possessed man, very similar to me. I was overcome with depression for most of my life, no doctor or medicine seemed to help, all I wanted to do was die to rid myself of the pain. One day Jesus came into my life when I had nowhere else to turn and had mercy on me. He rid me of the demon of depression and set me free, but how many have I told?
Application: God has used my testimony to help others and I need to be more aggressive in telling my story about Jesus mercy. He has given me tools to use to tell others, my testimony both written and recorded and He continues to put people in my path. This is my purpose in life to help others see the cure for depression which is Jesus.
Prayer: Dear Lord I’m not worthy of your mercy, but please use this servant to touch the lives of those you have chosen to have mercy on. Use me to fulfill the purpose you have created your servant for so that when it is time I can enter into your rest with the peace of knowing I was used by my Lord.