Who Do I Say He Is?
Scripture: Mark 8:29 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”
Peter answered, “You are the Christ. ”
Observation: Who do I say Jesus is? If I call Him my Lord and Master, my savior, my King, then why don’t I act like it. If Jesus rules my life then why am I so worried? I say so many different things and at the end of the day I’m not trusting my Lord.
Application: What I say with my mouth I need to back up with actions. If I call Jesus my Lord I need to pledge allegiance to Him in every situation. I should be working hard at obeying His commands so when others see my life they can see the light that shines on Jesus.
Prayer: Dear Lord you are my master. Command me in the way that will please you and guide me through this life that I will honor you. I say now that you are my savior, my Lord and love of my life may I live in a way that proves it to others.