Oh To Be Like Stephen
Scripture: Acts 7: [60] Then he fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, he fell asleep.
Observation: There isn’t a lot written about Stephen, but what there is, is God honoring. When they gave him the responsibility for the Greek widows he took it, never passed on an opportunity to share the gospel, even to the point where the Pharisees framed him and then during the interrogation he didn’t back down, but spoke boldly. When they took him out to stone him because of his faith he asked God to forgive those that were putting him to death. I think it’s interesting also that it is written that he fell asleep, I’m guessing because he was at peace and knew where he was going.
Application: Stephen was an example of a man I would like to be like. To stand firm in my convictions without wavering and to go out and make a difference. Then to treat those who have wronged me with such love instead of wanting revenge is beyond my understanding. My goal is to be like Jesus and I don’t think that will be a goal I’ll reach before going to meet him, but Stephen did. What a welcome he must have gotten.
Prayer: Dear Lord help me be like you. Give me the heart, courage and compassion of Stephen. Help me live my life in a way that when the time comes to go home that I will see You standing at the right hand of the Father.