Month: November 2021

I Need to be Filled with the Holy Spirit

Scripture: Acts 4:31 After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.

Observation: I’ve been reading a lot of how the Holy Spirit will guide us if we will let Him. He is the one that will put the words in our mouth at the right time to proclaim our Lord, He will give us the boldness we will need to stand up from opposition, He is our courage and our wisdom to make it through this life with righteousness. So why do I keep trying to do it on my own? Especially since I fail so miserably at times. Is it too much pride or not enough faith?

Application: I need to pray each day for a filling of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to guide me each day. I need to die to myself and live for Christ. The Father has given the Holy Spirit so we can live a life pleasing to Him and He knew we couldn’t do it on our own. I need to depend on the Holy Spirit, He doesn’t serve me, I serve Him.

Prayer: Dear Lord fill me with the Holy Spirit and take away my arrogance, thinking I can live this life on my own. Humble your servant that I will submit to your will and desire and come home honoring you.

Jesus Makes It Happen

Scripture: Acts 3: [16] By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has given this complete healing to him, as you can all see.

Observation: I always wanted to take credit for things and get others approval. Even now I will be helping out at a spaghetti dinner and a father and daughter breakfast and I want to be praised for it. I shouldn’t even be here, after several suicide attempts, but God watched over me. Any ability I have comes from God and anything I own is because God allows me to have it. Anything that I do that might be praiseworthy needs to be directed to the only one that deserves our praise, Jesus.

Application: I need to put myself in place and realize who I am and then remember who Jesus is. I am a lowly servant to the King of Kings and others should know that. I should be giving all the credit to God and humble myself in the face of others and pointing them to my God.

Prayer: Dear Lord forgive me for my arrogance I show in front of people. May I not look for praise, but look for opportunities to give you the praise. Help guide me in anything that I do that is good and show others your love in my deeds.

Together with My Brothers and Sisters

Scripture: Acts 2: [46] Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,

Observation: I go to a home fellowship on Wednesday nights, but several times I have made excuses why I wouldn’t be there. Instead of looking forward to being with God’s children I’d rather be home doing nothing. If I have an opportunity to miss church when I’m not serving I will take it. When I’m with my brethren I feel good and enjoy their company and grow closer to God and learn something I didn’t know, so why do I balk at opportunities to be together?

Application: I need to find more opportunities to be with other Christians. I should find other ministries to belong to and get off the couch. There is a men’s ministry on Monday nights that I should be going to but don’t and there are plenty of other ministries at our church and if there is one missing maybe I should be the one to start it. God said it is not good that man should be alone and I believe He was talking about more than being with a woman.

Prayer: Dear Lord give me the discipline to journey out beyond my comfort zone and get involved with your children. Help me grow into the man you desire me to be and not become stagnant as a Christian. Help me reach out to others and be more of a part of my church home.

Using the Power of the Holy Spirit

Scripture: Acts 1:8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.

Observation: I did receive the Holy Spirit and my mind was renewed. God gave me peace for the first time in my life and began to open my eyes for the reason He created me. However I forget about the power He gave me, power knowing if I do anything for God that He will see me through it. There has been so many times in the past that He gave me the power to do an outreach, to speak in front of others, and the skills to accomplish His will.

Application: Remember that I do have the power that comes from the Holy Spirit and there is nothing on this earth I should fear except God. He has entrusted me with so much and wants to guide me to complete the tasks He has set before me. I have everything I need to be successful for my Lord, I just need to step out in faith and do it.

Prayer: Dear Lord may I never forget the power you have given me. May I always use it for your glory. Give me courage to complete every task you put before me and the courage to attempt anything you put in my path.

What Jesus As Done in My Life

Scripture: John 21:25 Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

Observation: Just what Jesus has done in my life alone will fill a few books. Jesus did so many things when He walked on the earth, but He didn’t stop, He was only getting started. I can look back at miracles that were used to keep me alive, the blessing are too many to number, His edge of protection and mercy of the stories I could tell. This is only in my life can you image all that has been done to each one of His children and those He wanted to become children of His.

Application: I need to realize the miracles God does in my life and thank Him for them. I need to tell others how He has worked in my life, then tell them how He worked when He was here on earth. People need to realize that Jesus is still with us through the Holy Spirit and it’s time to receive Him as their Lord and Savior. I will never be able to tell all the things Jesus did, can’t even come close, but that should never stop me from trying.

Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for your miracles, mercy and love in my life. Direct me to use all that you have given me to bring others closer to you. I’m here as your grateful servant, may I serve you and others you put in my path.

Lord May I Go Where You Send Me

Scripture: John 20:21 Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”

Observation: Since I’ve been saved my Lord has sent me to different places like Kentucky, a nursing home, different churches, etc. At times I’ve been obedient, but at other times I know I’ve made excuses or pretended I didn’t hear Him. The thing is God doesn’t need me to do what He says, it can go undone or He will select someone more obedient then me. It’s for my benefit when He sends me, because that is where my blessings are. He wants me to see if I love Him enough to be obedient to Him.

Application: I’m only here for one reason and that reason is to serve my Lord. This is my job placement test to see if I will do the will of the Father in this place so He can decide my job in heaven. I shouldn’t be obeying God for blessings for myself, but to show my love for the one that loves me more than anyone can. I should be so honored that God would even trust me to do His will in my life.

Prayer: Dear Lord I do want to serve you and go where you want me to go. I know you will give me what I need to be successful and will walk alongside me no matter where you send me. May I serve in such a way that will make you proud of me and draw mw even closer to you.

How Do I Treat My King?

Scripture: John 19: [3] and went up to him again and again, saying, “Hail, king of the Jews!” And they struck him in the face.

Observation: Each day I start in prayer and say hail to my King who is worthy of all that I have and am. Yet not long into the day my mind will wander to anxiety, hate or anger about something or someone. A slap in the face to the one I say I love most. So when others see me do they see the man that hails a perfect king or a man that opposes his government? Normally by the end of the day I must have slapped my Lord several times with my actions and words, I do deserve to be banished from His kingdom.

Application: My Lord should be sovereign in my life each day, all day and others should see who rules my life. The Holy Spirit is with me all the time and I need to see Him as a reminder I’m under God’s authority and by being a citizen of heaven I have responsibilities to my King. I’m not only here to live a Godly life, but one that is fruitful and will point others to salvation by the blood of Jesus, my King. Think before I speak or do before I do wrong again and be the man God has called me to be.

Prayer: My King and ruler of this life. Show me how to be a good subject in your Kingdom. Help me introduce you to others that you put in my path and that each day you hear from me, “Hail to my King”