Month: November 2021

All Hail Our King

Scripture: John 18:37 “You are a king, then!” said Pilate.
Jesus answered, “You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

Observation: When I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior I also received Him as my King and as my King I must obey His commands. Unlike an earthly king I selected Jesus to rule in my life. I am on the side of truth and only Jesus has that truth. Each day I must bow down before my King and commit myself to His sovereign leadership in my life. Jesus must not be a secret ruler, but all that know me should know who I serve and why.

Application: Jesus has made it clear what the laws are and His will. He made it clear in His word and how He lived His life on earth. I have no excuses of being ignorant of the law and as the laws here on earth come with a penalty if not obeyed, so are God’s law. I need to obey and adhere to all I know that is right and give my King all the glory and praise.

Prayer: Your majesty your servant comes before wanting an audience before your throne. I’m here only to serve and obey your commands. Help me live each day with you as my ruler. Help me stay on the path you have chosen for me and that when I enter into your heavenly kingdom that you will be able to welcome me with open arms.

Jesus is Within

Scripture: John 17: [26] I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”

Observation: When I finally woke up and received Jesus as my Lord and Savior, He has taken me on a journey to the Father. He has guided me through the Word and has shown me His love and commands for a righteous life. Jesus has personally guided me through the Holy Spirit and even though I constantly stray off the path He is always there to guide me back. If Jesus didn’t dwell within me I don’t know where I would be today, but I’m so blessed He doesn’t give up.

Application: I need to stop living this life for myself and stop fooling myself that I know what I’m doing. I need to let go and let Jesus take control of this life. I need to ask each day what He desires me to do and take the selfishness from my spirit away and die to myself. I need to die from this wicked man so that Jesus will have His way with me.

Prayer: Thank you Jesus for caring and loving this worthless sinner. I’m so bent in doing things my way, the wrong way. Please take control and guide me on this journey you have me on that I will reach the destination you have chosen for me, I love and trust you with all of my heart.

I Serve the One that Overcomes

Scripture: John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Observation: I spend so much more time focusing on my troubles then being with my Lord. I live my life with anxiety and stress when right in front of me my Lord offers me peace. Jesus tells me that He is with me and my time in this world is short, but I have all eternity to spend with Him. Yet each day my time is spent in worrying about things that are temporary, instead of doing the will of my Father.

Application: I need to spend more time with my Savior and listen to His guidance for this life. I’ve been reading so much lately about how I was created for a purpose with gifts and talents that are to be used for God’s glory and that is what I need to be doing each day. I need to enjoy the peace my Lord is offering me knowing I’m doing his will.

Prayer: My Lord thank you for the peace you offer me each day. Help me receive it in your precious name. When troubles come let me shout your name and allow you to guide me through these times and that I will tell others of your unbelievable great love for them.

My Desire is to Bear Fruit

Scripture: John 15: [4] Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

Observation: I realize to remain in Jesus is to do what He commands me to do. To be in the Word and do what it says and just not some of the time but all of the time. I can only bear fruit when I’m doing what He tells me to do. My fruit is when I help others, tell them of His love and live a life that He calls me to live. In Jesus I have the power to bear fruit that will go beyond the life I’m now living.

Application: I need to remain in Christ and stop living this life for myself. God has called me to use the gifts and talents He has given me for His glory and not my selfishness and in that is fruit. My thoughts must be embodied in God’s will and not my selfishness and in His will is my purpose, the reason He created me. May I be a harvest of good works before it is time for me to go home.

Prayer: My Lord I do want to bear fruit. You know my heart and my desires, you have given me gifts and talents. May I be a harvest of good works in this life that when the time comes for me to come home you would be able to welcome me with open arms because of the harvest I brought.

My Lord’s Peace

Scripture: John 14: [27] Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Observation: Today is Easter and it’s a beautiful day, yet each morning I ask my Lord for peace in my spirit. My heart seems to be troubled most of the time and I can’t stop the constant thoughts that go through my mind even though I have nothing to fear. I have a hard time concentrating and staying focused and I worry so much about nothing. I think my problem is that Jesus has given me peace, but I chose not to accept it. I make the choice to worry and be afraid though Jesus protects me and gives me reason and purpose to live.

Application: I need to realize Jesus has already given me peace if I’m willing to accept it and that no matter what happens in this world it is temporary and I have a permanent home with Him at the end of this life. That when I do worry I’m telling God that I don’t trust Him and that I need to handle the situation myself, which I can’t. I need to let go and trust my Father to guide me through this life and live in a way that will honor Him.

Prayer: My Lord thank you for loving me so much that you would give me peace and protect me that I don’t have to fear. Give me strength to hand over my burdens to you and the realization that you are always with me and you love me so much that you don’t want me to be afraid.

Do I Disown You My Lord?

Scripture: John 13:38 Then Jesus answered, “Will you really lay down your life for me? I tell you the truth, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times!

Observation: Each morning I pray and ask for God’s guidance and tell Him I want to live this day for Him and that He is worthy of all of my love, praise and obedience. Yet it doesn’t take long before I judge someone, get angry, speak negatively about someone or act in a way that is in opposition to my claim to be a Christian. So when people see me to they see me as a disciple of Jesus or just another hypocrite?

Application: I need to think before I act. Am I representing my Lord with this action or am I representing myself and my desires. Am I disowning my Savior with what I say or how I treat His children or am I guiding people through the love I show them in Jesus name? I have only one purpose to touch the lives of those around me for my Lord and I can only do it through the strength and wisdom He gives me so I must walk the way He walked.

Prayer: Dear Lord I do love you and want to fulfill the purpose you have given me, but I can’t do it in my strength. Please be with me each day and guide me when I go off the path, so that others may see you through my actions and words so they will say, “this man must have been with Jesus.”

Who Am I trying to Please?

Scripture: John 12:[43] for they loved praise from men more than praise from God.

Observation: I feel that scripture was meant for me. All of my life I tried so hard to get approval from the people around me. I wasted so much time trying to get their approval, because I felt that is what would make me happy. Even now knowing my Lord and Savior and all that He has done for me I still seek the approval of others. God already loves me and to get His praise is all I need to do is His will.

Application: I need to see God in my everyday life and seek His advice. Before I try to please anyone I need to ask God if this pleases Him. I know His will and I want to be obedient so I need to be with Him throughout the day.

Prayer: My Lord I want to hear what Jesus heard, “this is my son with whom I’m well please.” Show me how to make you proud of me and help me through each day.