Why Is It So Hard To Do Good?
Scripture: Romans 7:21 So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me.
Observation: I really want to do what is good and honoring to God, but so many evil things stop me; laziness, selfishness, pride and arrogance to name just a few. I know what is right and wrong so I have no excuse, but it seems like that is all I make, excuses. I try to justify why not to do something, which is sin for not do to what is right is the same as doing what is wrong. Paul was right when he said what a wretched man I am.
Application: When the opportunities come by do to something righteous, remember I’m doing it for my Lord. I need to realize God didn’t create me for me, but for His glory and to serve. I’m not going to be here that long and it I want to make a difference for Christ I better start now. This weekend I was allowed to give my testimony and it was wonderful. God truly blessed me and I know He wants to give me even more blessings, but I won’t find them on the couch.
Prayer: My Lord you know my heart and you also know what kind of a sinner I am. Continue to change your servant that I might please you with the life you continue to give me. I truly want to do good, but I can’t alone in this body. Help me be the man you desire of me. I love you and do want to serve you and others in your name.