Month: December 2021

Why Is It So Hard To Do Good?

Scripture: Romans 7:21 So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me.

Observation: I really want to do what is good and honoring to God, but so many evil things stop me; laziness, selfishness, pride and arrogance to name just a few. I know what is right and wrong so I have no excuse, but it seems like that is all I make, excuses. I try to justify why not to do something, which is sin for not do to what is right is the same as doing what is wrong. Paul was right when he said what a wretched man I am.

Application: When the opportunities come by do to something righteous, remember I’m doing it for my Lord. I need to realize God didn’t create me for me, but for His glory and to serve. I’m not going to be here that long and it I want to make a difference for Christ I better start now. This weekend I was allowed to give my testimony and it was wonderful. God truly blessed me and I know He wants to give me even more blessings, but I won’t find them on the couch.

Prayer: My Lord you know my heart and you also know what kind of a sinner I am. Continue to change your servant that I might please you with the life you continue to give me. I truly want to do good, but I can’t alone in this body. Help me be the man you desire of me. I love you and do want to serve you and others in your name.

What Reigns in My Life

Scripture: Romans 6: [12] Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires.

Observation: Jesus should reign in my life. I should be trying to imitate His life and He should be my mentor, but that is not always what happens. It seems if I let sin even just a little bit I dwell with it and I will allow it to reign in my life. That my thoughts will be of it, I will worry about it and I forget about my Lord. I don’t want it to reign, but all it takes is a look at a woman, to Covent something I would like, to be angry at someone or to have evil thoughts about something and I find myself dwelling on that and for that moment sin reigns.

Application: Jesus has renewed my mind and has given me a new life. I am still a sinner, but now I’m saved and He needs to rule in my life. I need to catch myself immediately if my mind wanders to sinful thoughts and run and bring them to my Lord. Jesus is with me through the Holy Spirit and will fight for me if I call on Him. I need to call and not try to fight this battle alone or I will lose.

Prayer: My Lord I need you. I can’t live the life you call me to live left alone to my own sinful ways. Give me strength and wisdom to live a life that reflects your love for me, that I may be a light to others. I need you, I love you, help me finish this race in glory and honor to you.

Lord Help Me Rejoice

Scripture: Romans 5: [3] Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;

Observation: I wish I did rejoice in suffering, instead I dwell on it most of the time and even the thought I might undergo suffering makes me worry. God does use what I went through to bless others and glorify Him. This weekend I’m going to share my testimony on depression and start a class that will help others see God in their lives. I’m going to need for God to work in my life that my suffering produces perseverance and that I will continue to do God’s will in my life.

Application: When I would go through struggles God put Proverbs 3:5,6 in my heart so that I would trust in Him and that is what I need to do each day. No matter what might come up in my life I need to know God is working and to trust in Him to show me what He desires. I need to realize I’m here for God to use, that I have a purpose and that purpose does not need to be revealed to me right away and to trust in God each day to follow Him.

Prayer: Dear Lord help me please do your will. Give me wisdom and strength to teach this class that you put on my heart. I need you to take over that you would increase and that I will decrease. Help me glorify you and help your children. May I be a comfort to them as you are a comfort to me.

How Can I Be So Blessed?

Scripture: Romans 4:8 Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him.”

Observation: I can’t even imagine how many sins I’ve committed over my lifetime. Yet because of what Jesus did on the cross they won’t count against me. I know the man I’ve been and I know where I should go, but because of God’s mercy He allows me to escape my just punishment and rewards me with His grace and eternal life with Him. So with all that God has blessed me with , why do I still sin?

Application: I need to put Jesus sacrifice in my heart and take it with me wherever I go. Before doing or saying something that may displease God go to my heart and ask what I should do. I need to stop trying to please myself and start putting God first in my life. I’m His creation and truly have no right of my own. I want to live the rest of my life trying to pay back something I can never pay back.

Prayer: Dear Lord you are worthy of all my praise, obedience and all of my love. Help me stay focused on you and your sacrifice. Please give me a thankful heart and that I will never stop saying thank you for all you’ve done for me.

I Know What I’m Doing

Scripture: Romans 3 [20] Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin.:

Observation: I know when I sin, it’s not like when I was a child and I can tell God I didn’t know that was wrong. God’s word spells it out and He has given me a conscience to help determine what to do. I know when I’m about to do something that dishonors God and even though I try to justify it I’m only fooling myself. Every time I go against what God tells me to do I’m sinning, including the times I don’t do what I’m supposed to be doing. I’m so far from being righteous, it only through Jesus that I’m secured of an eternal home with Him.

Application: Stop sinning! Be more like Jesus, get rid of the anger and replace it with love, get rid of the fear and replace it with faith, replace the worry and replace it with trust. I know how I’m supposed to live this life, God has given great direction, but He has given me a choice on how I will obey.

Prayer: Dear Lord help me be strong, so that I will do what it is you desire of me. I am such a sinner and a fool to try to be ignorant of your laws. Help me keep them and live a life that is pleasing to you. I do love you, forgive all the times I act has if I don’t.

Do I Obey What I hear?

Scripture: Romans 2: [13] For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.

Observation: I read the Bible through a year and I’m on my fourteenth year, so I do know what God’s word says. I hear what God wants and how He wants me to live my life, but I’m not very obedient. If I was I would have more faith, I wouldn’t worry or be afraid, I would be bold when it came to sharing my faith and I would love others as I love myself. That is what I’m hearing yet I’m not doing it. I live my life at times opposite of the way God commands me to live and I wonder why things go wrong.

Application: I know what I’m supposed to do and it’s time to do it. I hear what God is saying and now I must live it so others may see. I might be the only Bible some people read. I need to trust God with all of my heart and not be doing anything contrary to what He tells me to do. I should be living by faith and not fear.

Prayer: Dear Lord I hear you and I have no excuses for the way I disobey you. Help me be the man you would be proud of, show me how to be obedient to every word you command me. Show me how to finish this race with confidence that I’m pleasing you.

Am I Righteous?

Scripture: Romans 1: [17] For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”

Observation: I seem to worry a lot of the time and that is the opposite of faith. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the confidence of things not seen. If I was sure I wouldn’t be so afraid each day. My mind doesn’t seem to stop I can’t even spend a couple of moments alone with God in prayer without thinking of something else. If I lived by faith I would live day by day in confidence that God is looking over me and it wouldn’t matter what happened because I would know God is in control.

Application: I need to give my burdens to God and trust Him with this life that He gave me. I belong to God and that I’m sure of so I have nothing to worry about. I need to stop worrying and have faith and continue to pray to God to make sure I stay on the path that He has chosen for me.

Prayer: Heavenly father I need you to guide me. Please increase my faith and show me how to live this life as a righteous man, a man that would please you each day I man you would be proud of. I love you Father help me each day to glorify you.