Daily Devotional

What Reigns in My Life

Scripture: Romans 6: [12] Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires.

Observation: Jesus should reign in my life. I should be trying to imitate His life and He should be my mentor, but that is not always what happens. It seems if I let sin even just a little bit I dwell with it and I will allow it to reign in my life. That my thoughts will be of it, I will worry about it and I forget about my Lord. I don’t want it to reign, but all it takes is a look at a woman, to Covent something I would like, to be angry at someone or to have evil thoughts about something and I find myself dwelling on that and for that moment sin reigns.

Application: Jesus has renewed my mind and has given me a new life. I am still a sinner, but now I’m saved and He needs to rule in my life. I need to catch myself immediately if my mind wanders to sinful thoughts and run and bring them to my Lord. Jesus is with me through the Holy Spirit and will fight for me if I call on Him. I need to call and not try to fight this battle alone or I will lose.

Prayer: My Lord I need you. I can’t live the life you call me to live left alone to my own sinful ways. Give me strength and wisdom to live a life that reflects your love for me, that I may be a light to others. I need you, I love you, help me finish this race in glory and honor to you.

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