Lord Give Me Power
Scripture: Ephesians 3: [18] may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,
Observation: I wish I could fathom God’s love. I know He loves me He shows me every day and I don’t know why. I look back at my life and see where it should have ended so many times, yet God continues to save and love me, but why? Even now after I see God’s hand in my life and try to comprehend His love, that I would be so obedient of doing God’s will each day, yet I always fall short. So why does He still love me so much. I wish I had the faith in God that He has in me.
Application: I need to keep God’s love close to me in my heart and mind. I need to use it as incentive to do his will and to help rid me of this laziness. I want to be able to share His love with others and ask to take this anger from me so that I will love others as He has directed me to do.
Prayer: Dear Lord I don’t understand your love, please help me understand and show me how I might please you. Show me how to love like You and that my heart would be fill with the joy of serving others in your name. I have such a long way to go help me reach the goal of pleasing you.