When Do We Give Glory to God?
Scripture: Revelations 11:13 At that very hour there was a severe earthquake and a tenth of the city collapsed. Seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the survivors were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.
Observation: It seems we seek God when we are in desperate need of Him or afraid of what might happen, instead of giving Him glory because we love Him or because He is worthy of it. We pray when we are in need instead of praying and telling our heavenly Father that we love Him and appreciate all that He does for us. We see when there is a terrible disaster that people on the news are talking about praying and asking for protection from God, but it seems to be the only time you hear anything about seeking God.
Application: My prayers should be based on who God is and not what I want. I’m allowed to come before the throne of God and speak to Him through prayer. What an opportunity to tell Him, thank you. He deserves all of my praise, obedience and worship for He deserves the glory. My life needs to reflect God’s glory no matter what might be happening in it. He deserves all I have.
Prayer: Dear Father I want to take a moment to thank you for all you give me. You’ve given me life and an opportunity to use it for the reason I was created. May my actions, thoughts and words reflect your glory to others and may there never be a person that meets me that would not know that I belong to you. I love you Father and I give you all the glory.