The Lord Knows How We Hurt
Scripture: Genesis 16:11 The angel of the LORD also said to her:
“You are now with child
and you will have a son.
You shall name him Ishmael,
for the LORD has heard of your misery.
Observation: Last weekend the message from our pastor was that Jesus wept and knows of our pain. God not only knows of our misery, but He cares for us and wants to take the pain away. There is nothing that happens in our life that the Lord doesn’t know about and He wants us to trust in Him. If we are suffering He wants to comfort us, but also strengthen us and use us to help others through our pain. God has given me a testimony of depression and wants me to use all the suffering I went through to help others through theirs.
Application: I need to use what God has given me to glorify his name and to help others grow closer to God. My testimony has taught me I can’t do anything apart from God and that is the lesson I need to pass on to others. My message is that God loves us and has a purpose for each one of us and if we listen He will guide us to fulfilling that purpose. I need to make a greater effort in spreading the message.
Prayer: My Lord I thank you for all of the pain I went through and that you were always there to protect me. Please use me now to help others draw near to you and open doors for me to tell the testimony you have blessed me with.