Where Will God Meet You?
Scripture Exodus 30: [6] Put the altar in front of the curtain that is before the ark of the Testimony–before the atonement cover that is over the Testimony–where I will meet with you.
Observation: Where has God met you. I know in my life God has met me in different places. I know when I was so desperate and confused God met me in my room to comfort me. He took the time to explain what was happening to me and why. He has met me so many times when I served and did outreaches. He hugged me at the end of an event and I felt Him being proud of me. He meets me when I’m low or high and if I’m patient He will tell me what to do next.
Application: God is with me right now as I write this journal. The Holy Spirit is guiding my fingers on the keyboard and putting thoughts in my head. His word tells me He will never forsake me and that He is always with me. I need to have the confidence in that no matter what God will meet me whether to comfort me or to direct me.
Prayer: Oh dear Lord, I thank you for being there for me and meeting me in times of sorrow and joy. May I always know that you are with me and I live my life knowing you are watching. Help me glorify your name in all that I do.