God Knows My Name
Scripture Exodus 33:17 And the LORD said to Moses, “I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.”
Observation: God answers so many of my prayers, but is He pleased with me? I have my moments when I feel I have honored God with the gifts He has given me, but most of the time I’m distant and involved in the world I can’t be pleasing to Him. I know my Lord knows me and He watches over me and that He loves me. His love is something I will never understand and instead of trying I need to except it with humble gratitude and obedience.
Application: The way I can please God is by being obedient to all He calls me to do and be the man He wants me to be. He has given me commands and rules to follow that will please Him and I need to obey each one. I need to do things to please Him and not others or myself. I want God’s blessings, but most of all I want God’s approval. As Moses spoke to God as a friend would talk to a friend, that is the relationship I want with my Savior that I will respect Him, love and trust Him with all of my heart and know His desires so that I may fulfill them in what life I have left.
Prayer: Dear Lord I do love you, but unlike your love mine has limits. Give me a true loving spirit that I will love you unconditionally and put you first in everything I do, think and say. I’m yours and may I never forget all you have done for me.