Listen to the Wise
Scripture 2 Sam 20:16 Then a wise woman cried out from the city, “Hear, Hear! Please say to Joab, ‘Come nearby, that I may speak with you.’ ”
Observation: We are so busy listening to ourselves and having fixed in our minds what we want to do that we don’t listen to others that might be wiser than us. As a matter of fact we hate the thought that others are smarter than us, like children we like to think that we know it all and don’t need counsel. God has put people in our path to help and to speak through them and if we stop and listen and put our pride aside we would truly learn something. If it wasn’t for this wise woman a town would be destroyed and I think God used a woman here because at that time woman were not highly regarded so most men wouldn’t listen to their advice at all, but because Joab was smart enough he took the time and listened to this woman’s advice and was able to maintain his goal without bloodshed of the town or his soldiers.
Application: I don’t listen very well, I have my own agenda and stick with it no matter what, at times with great disappointment. I need to stop talking and do a lot more listening to others to hear what they are saying and truly take it in. This doesn’t mean everyone’s advice would be helpful, but I need to allow God to use them to speak to me otherwise I might as well be deaf. I need direction and I’m not always going to find it within myself, I need God and others to help direct me to do what is honoring for my Lord.
Prayer: Dear Lord put others in my path and humble your servant so that I may listen to discern what you are telling me and what way you want me to go. Remind me always that I’m only a servant and need direction to please my Master and use your other servants to help me accomplish what you desire of me. I love you my Lord, please direct me.