God Keeps His Promises
Scripture 2 Kings 8:19 Yet the LORD would not destroy Judah, for the sake of his servant David, as He promised him to give a lamp to him and his sons forever.
Observation: God’s a much better promise keeper then me. All of Judah is sinning and idol worshipping, but because He promised David he won’t destroy Judah. In the Bible there are hundreds of promises from God and each one He keeps. However each promise has a condition. God asks us to do something and if we do he will keep his promise. Like I said God is a better promise keeper then we are and most of the time we don’t meet our end of the promise and we wonder why God doesn’t bless us.
Application: I need to be a better promise keeper. To God and to the people that God surrounds me with. I need to be a man of my word that my yes means yes and my no means no. I need to make sure I’m keeping my end of a promise if I pray to God for him to keep his. I need to trust in God completely and serve him wholeheartedly.
Prayer: My Lord I’m your servant and I want to keep every promise I make. I want to draw close to you and that others would see that I’m a sincere and honest man and that my life points to you. Help me Lord keep every promise I make to you and to others.