When We Humble Ourselves
Scripture 2 Chron 12:12 When he humbled himself, the wrath of the LORD turned from him, so as not to destroy him completely; and things also went well in Judah.
Observation: Pride has hurt me all of my life, even to this day. I was just talking to Dave, my client at work, about how he told me when I first started there it seemed as if I didn’t want to be here. When I look back he was right. I use to have a more prestige’s job and I had a hard time humbling myself to do my current job. When he told me I went to the Word and started to say Philippians, work as you are working for the Lord and not for man.” God gave me this job and I was to humble myself and do it for God’s glory. As time has gone by I see how God has used me there to help serve others and to do outreaches using the kitchen.
Application: I need to continue to humble myself each day. My ego is as big as my stomach and I need to stop feeding it. I need to realize everything I have including my abilities and talents are all from God and apart from Him I can do nothing. I’m a servant to my King and He commands me to be a servant to others and there is no room for pride in the role of a servant. Any pride should be that I am a child of the King and that is something others should know about me.
Prayer: My Lord and my Master. Humble your servant before you and command me in the things you desire of me. Give me a heart for others and not my own ego. May others see me as a servant to you and that you would rid me of this selfish pride. May I serve you always.