According to Our Abilities
Scripture Ezra 2:69 According to their ability, they gave to the treasury for the work sixty-one thousand gold drachmas, five thousand minas of silver, and one hundred priestly garments.
Observation: Do we give according to our abilities? I know I don’t. I give my tithe of all that I receive, but my ability goes beyond that. Everything that I have, including my gifts, talents and time I have is given to me by God. So I have the ability to use all of that in my Lord’s service, but I don’t. I have my moments like tonight Teri and I are going to make burritos for the church and we’ll do a Thanksgiving dinner at the Army and navy Academy, but that is little in comparison to what I can do. I sit at home and waste the precious time that God gives me and I should be doing more.
Application: I need to use everything that God has given me for His glory. The abilities that I give where given to me first and I’m just returning the minas with interest to my Master, but so many times I bury that minas where it doesn’t give any return to my Lord. The time is coming when I will have to give an account to what I did with the talents He has given me and I fear I won’t be ready to give an account that will be pleasing to Him.
Prayer: My Master help me do better in your name. Show me how to make this investment you made in me profitable to You. May this life give interest to you when the time comes and that you will welcome me in with the words I desire to hear, “Well done good and faithful servant.”