He Hears My Cry
Scripture Psalms 18:6 In my distress I called upon the LORD, And cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, And my cry came before Him, even to His ears.
Observation: I’ve done a lot of crying in my life, even before I knew the lord. I’ve been in distress most of my life and tried to depend on my own strength to get out and failed miserably. I still find myself in distress at times and now when I cry out my Lord hears me. He’ll use the pain of experience to make me stronger and more useful to Him. He comforts me and guides me. He always knows where I am and where I’m heading. No matter what I have done He still is there for me, listening, protecting and teaching me what I’m to do next. Why does He bother, because for some reason He loves me.
Application: I need to be speaking to my Lord at all times whether good or bad and come to Him with thanksgiving no matter what. I shouldn’t wait until I’m in desperate need, but I should be crying out for joy, knowing that He loves me. I need to put God first in my life and there should be no one or nothing that should occupy my thoughts as much as Him. I’m going down the final lap of life and I won’t have too many more opportunities to do it right and I need to start now, putting my Lord and Savior on top. My life should evolve around Him in all that I do, think and say, He needs to come first.
Prayer: My Lord forgive me for not putting you first all of the time. You deserve to be on the throne of my life and the first thing I think of when I get up and the last when I go to bed and all throughout the day. I do love you, but I want to live my life in such a way there would never be a doubt that you are the most important thing in my life.