Panting for God
Scripture Psalms 42:1 To the Chief Musician. A Contemplation of the sons of Korah. As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God.
Observation: That is my desire to want God so desperately that it is the source of my life, which He is. God too often becomes an afterthought during the day instead of the main purpose of my existence. I should live my life as if I don’t seek God that my body and soul aches as if I didn’t have any water. God sustains me and the more I have of my Lord the healthier and stronger I become.
Application: I need to have God on my heart all day long whether good or bad He needs to be my focus and desire each and every day. I need to live in a way that without I would perish, which is what I would do. My dependence and future lie in His hands not mine and that should be the way I think always. I should never leave His side and when I do I need to run back to stay close to Him. My life only exists because of Him I need to be close to my source of power.
Prayer: My Lord, my life You know my heart and my desire to honor You. You also know how many times I fail each day. Draw me near to you that you are all I feel and hear during each day. You are my source of life, may I live in power and strength in your presence. I love you and want to finish well speak to your servant.