Still Producing Fruit
Scripture Psalms 92:14 They shall still bear fruit in old age; They shall be fresh and flourishing,
Observation: There is no retirement from doing God’s work. We are called to produce fruit until it is time to go home, for then is the time of rest. We think of retirement as the time of life when we can rest from our work and relax and enjoy the rest of our life, but God has not called us to stop working. I believe this time will be full of joy if I work harder for my Lord. I will have more time to devote to Him and His work and that work will produce fruit and bring meaning to my life.
Application: I should always be producing fruit no matter how hectic my days might become I need to always set time to do the work God has called me to do. My retirement plans need to include doing mission trips, teaching or helping others. It should not be filled with things that only benefit me. My retirement will be my opportunity to honor God with the gifts he has given me and a chance to earn rewards that will last forever.
Prayer: My Lord my thoughts are full of things that I plan for me, change me oh Lord and fill them with the plans you have for me. May my focus always be on what you desire and how I might please you. For I love you my King and want to produce so much fruit that it will be a bountiful harvest for you.