Receiving God’s Word
Scripture Proverbs 2:1 My son, if you receive my words, And treasure my commands within you,
Observation: I read God’s word every day, but most of the time I don’t receive it. I know what His word is telling me to do, but rarely do I do it. Without receiving God’s word, I can’t treasure what He is commanding me to do. God’s words are commands and not helpful suggestions, He wants obedience from us and the only way we can obtain that obedience is by knowing what He desires of us.
Application: Do more than just read my Bible each day, but meditate and understand what it is saying to me. Allow God to speak to my heart and direct my paths. Start treasuring my Lord’s command, He cares for me and wants me to be successful in following Him and earning a place in Heaven with my obedience.
Prayer: My Lord open my mind to understanding and direct me in all that you call me to do. My desire is to please you, please guide me this day to glorify you. I love you Lord may I show it today.