Daily Devotional

The Lord Takes Pleasure in Me

Scripture Psalms 149:4 For the LORD takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the humble with salvation.

Observation: It’s hard to believe that I could please God. I know how Paul felt when he called himself the worst sinner, but there is something about us that pleases God. Maybe he is pleased at times just because we are trying or that we received His son or most likely because we love Him. As ugly as I feel at times He will beautify me for all eternity with salvation, salvation I don’t deserve. How can you not be humble before such an awesome God.

Application: Keep trying to please God. Don’t let an opportunity go by without using it to glorify God. Stop putting my desires before my Lord’s and focus what I can do each day to bring Him pleasure. I’m only here because He desires it, and while I’m here may I pleas Him.

Prayer: My Lord you are worthy of all of my love, obedience, praise and time. May I use all of that to please you each day as I humble myself before you and use all that you have given me to glorify you. I love you Lord, draw me nearer to you.

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