Dwelling in Unity
Scripture Psalms 133:1 A song of Ascents. Of David. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity!
Observation: I read this and the first thing I thought about was my home fellowship. Christians gathered together to talk about our first love, God. That is our common reason we gather together and it causes unity as we praise Him and discuss His word. To be gathered in unity we must have a common purpose and focus and that needs to be our God something unchanging and something we love.
Application: I need to seek more opportunities to meet with fellow Christians. To strengthen myself in His word with a group of believers to help prepare me and strengthen me to do God’s will in my life. I need to get off the couch and get involved with my church family and be united with my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Prayer: My Lord open doors for me to gather with your children. Take this laziness and excuses from me and gather me to your children. You call me to love my brothers and sisters and in less I’m around them I’ll never know them. Unite me with the church.