Month: February 2024

Why Do I Hate at Times

Scripture Proverbs 10:12 Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all sins.

Observation: I normally do not hate others, but there are a couple of people I have such a hard time not hating. Can’t even think of them without the feeling of hate being in my heart. Besides people there are situations that I find myself in and instead of accepting or asking God how I should handle them I allow hatred to take over and make the situation even worse. I realize love changes everything especially me and the way I treat others.

Application: I need to realize I have a choice whether to hate or to love and if I find myself going down the wrong road that’s when I cry out to God for help. Once I even think of my Lord love enters in. It’s only when left to my own thoughts without God’s intervention, that when my emotions stirs up strife.

Prayer: My Lord you chose to love me even though I’m not loveable. Give me that same heart and may I see other as you see them and look at every situation and ask what you desire me to do or learn.

The Beginning of Wisdom

Scripture Proverbs 9:10 “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

Observation: To begin to understand who God is and how powerful He truly is should bring fear to us. We have no right to question Him, but only obey His commands. He is God and though He loves us, as He has shown, He deserves are complete respect and obedience.

Application: I speak to God every morning, but I don’t grasp who I am talking to all of the time. He is the creator of all things, including myself and I should be humbled to be in His presence. I should always be grateful and humble and when I request anything from Him it should be in His will not mine.

Prayer: My Lord and Master. Help me understand your will for this life and that my life might be a song you sing. I’m here only to serve you, guide me on how I can do this to please you.

The Fear of the Lord

Scripture Proverbs 8:13 The fear of the LORD is to hate evil; Pride and arrogance and the evil way And the perverse mouth I hate.

Observation: If you are afraid of sinning against God, which we should be, then we are called to hate evil, pride, arrogance and a perverse mouth. Since we have control of only one person, our self, we need to eliminate these things from our lives. Fear of the Lord is great it can keep us holy with the fear that we can let Him down. To fear God is to glorify Him.

Application: I need to be afraid of doing wrong and not just to try to avoid it. Not to be evil, prideful or arrogant is just the beginning I’m called not to sin at all and to control what I say to others.

Prayer: My Lord help me fear you in a way that I will live a righteous life. Help me stay on the path and draw me close to you. I love you Lord and desire to please you.

Treasure His Commands

Scripture Proverbs 7:1 My son, keep my words, And treasure my commands within you.

Observation: I’m not only to obey my Lord’s commands but I’m call to treasure them, because they are the meaning to life. If I obey the commands of my Lord, I will live a life that will glorify Him and build up treasures in Heaven. My joy comes from obeying and doing His will.

Application: Before I do anything, I should stop and make sure that whatever I do honors God. Make sure I’m going in the direction of my God, listening to His commands and laws for my life. I’m here to fulfill the purpose God has given me and I must first know what to do.

Prayer: My Lord guide me every step of the way. Place your commands on my heart so that I may treasure them each day.

God’s Word

Scripture Proverbs 6:22 When you roam, they will lead you; When you sleep, they will keep you; And when you awake, they will speak with you.

Observation: This is a description of God’s word when we roam it will lead, it comforts us during our sleep and when we are awake God’s commands will speak to us. First, we need to know His word and meditate on it so it is with us always and everywhere. God will keep His promises, but we need to know what they are.

Application: Never stop reading the Bible. Every day start my morning in God’s words memorizing scripture and His promises for my life. Understand what I am to do so I may receive God’s promises in my life.

Prayer: My Lord speak to me through your word and help me understand what you are telling me. Guide me each day and may I always be obedient to your commands.

God Knows All

Scripture Proverbs 5:21 For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, And He ponders all his paths.

Observation: Sometimes we think that we are getting away with something, as if God wasn’t paying attention. He is all knowing and there is nothing we can do in secret, but it may appear we got away with something. We will be judged either here or before His throne and if we don’t repent from the evil, we do we will pay the price no matter how small or large the sin may be in our eyes it is still sin in His.

Application: I need to realize before I do anything what will please God and what will displease Him. My life is to be lived for his glory and not for me. If, however I fall into temptation and I do something that I know is dishonoring to Him I must fall to my knees immediately and beg for forgiveness. Think before I do or better yet pray before I do.

Prayer: My Lord I’m a sinner and at times the worst. Help guide me as your word promises me to do what is pleasing in your sight and help me be a righteous man before you and others. I love you Lord and my desire is to do so much better than I do.

Retaining Words in my Heart

Scripture Proverbs 4:4 He also taught me, and said to me: “Let your heart retain my words; Keep my commands, and live.

Observation: It’s not just knowing the words but keeping them in your heart. Meaning you know them and understand what they mean. Sometimes it is a burden to try to understand something with just head knowledge, but to know them in your heart will allow you never to forget them. When we know and understand God’s word we will be able to keep His commands with pleasure and have eternal life with our Lord.

Application: When I read, I need to meditate on God’s word so they are not just knowledge but second nature to me. Once I understand what God is telling me I can take it to heart and be obedient without questioning what God is calling me to do.

Prayer: My Lord help me retain your Word in my heart. Don’t allow my mind to wander when I read, but help me stay focused on what you are commanding me to do. My desire is to please you and I know I can only do that when I’m following your commands for my life. I know You love me and want the best for me help me stay on the path you have chosen for me.