We Will All Know He is Lord
Scripture Ezekiel 6:10 And they shall know that I am the LORD; I have not said in vain that I would bring this calamity upon them.”
Observation: The time is coming when Jesus will return to this mess we made. Every atheist and other religions will know for sure on that day that God is our Lord and creator. There will be no one arguing, but begging for mercy. A mercy that will not come. We all have been given the same opportunity to repent and turn to God.
Application: God is just and everyone has had the opportunity to confess that Jesus is Lord and time is running out, I need to do whatever God has called me to do to open the eyes of those that have turned their back on God. I need to allow the Holy Spirit to work through me to touch the hearts of those that haven’t received Him as Lord and Savior.
Prayer My Lord I am your servant. I need the Holy Spirit to guide me each day. Please calm my thoughts and evil ways that I may be of use to You. I’m here only to serve.