Daily Devotional

What America Was Like

Scripture Ezekiel 19:10 ‘Your mother was like a vine in your bloodline,
Planted by the waters,
Fruitful and full of branches
Because of many waters.

Observation: This was about Israel, but it also could be speaking of America. America at one time was strong and if you were an American years ago you were a proud American. As we continued to take God out of our country removing Him from our schools, government and as we turned to abominations instead of His commandments America lost its way. We are now suffering from our unfaithfulness as Satan is taking a front seat in our leadership. God is giving us an opportunity to turn from our wicked ways and repent if we will bring Him back as the leader of this country.

Application: I need to do what I can to help open the eyes of the people God puts in my path. I don’t need to lead them to a political leader but to our Lord. If we turn back to God, He will heal this land who has turned against Him.

Prayer Dear Lord I seek your face and humble myself before You. Hear my prayer as I turn from my wicked ways so that You may hear from heaven and heal this land.

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