Our God is Precise
Scripture Ezekiel 41:24 The doors had two panels apiece, two folding panels: two panels for one door and two panels for the other door.
Observation: This whole chapter describes the sanctuary and temple. It gives measurements, descriptions of doors, windows and instruments. Everything is very specific and detailed not letting anything to chance. Our God is also precise with each of His children. He has given us gifts and talents, put us in a certain place surrounding with specific people. We are created preciously as we are to do a specific purpose. The only problem is that we have a choice if we are going to be used for that purpose.
Application: I stray at times avoiding the purpose God has created me for. It can be laziness or that I would just prefer to do something else or something easier. I need to stay focused on my calling and purpose from God and not to be so easily distracted. My race is coming to an end and I need to be finishing strongly to get the prize.
Prayer My Lord help me realize all that you desire from me. I’m here only to glorify your name, give me the wisdom and strength to complete the tasks you have set before me.