Return to the Lord
Scripture Hosea 6:1 Come, and let us return to the LORD;
For He has torn, but He will heal us;
He has stricken, but He will bind us up.
Observation: This country needs to return to the Lord. We have drifted so far away from Him and have done so much evil. We deserve the trials we have been going through, but if we go and seek His face, He will heal us and this land. He loves us and as a good Father we need to be disciplined and run back to our Dad with repented hearts.
Application: We need to learn to live for our Father. He knows what is best for us and He loves us more than anything on this earth can love us. We need to repent and turn from our wicked ways and live the life He calls us to live.
Prayer Dear Lord my mind is evil and I’m swayed so easily. Please keep me close to you and may I be holy in your sight. Be with me today and lead me on the path you have chosen for me. I’m your creation, servant and child teach me your ways.