We Are Deeply Corrupted
Scripture Hosea 9:9 They are deeply corrupted,
As in the days of Gibeah.
He will remember their iniquity;
He will punish their sins.
Observation: Ever since America took prayer out of our schools this country continues to become more and more corrupted. We take God out of our country and kill His unborn children. We tell His children they can decide what gender they are even though God determined it long before. God is just and He won’t let this go on without punishment and this country deserves His judgement.
Application: I pray that our country helps turn this nation from its wicked ways. That we will make every effort to bring God back as our leader and obey His commands. God isn’t looking for sacrifices he wants our obedience.
Prayer Dear Lord I don’t understand how You can forgive the way You do. I’m not sure if this is the end times or you might be giving us another chance to repent. May we turn from our wicked ways and come back to You or bring your children home. I love You, show me how to serve you today.