Daily Devotional

Lying Prophets

Scripture Micah 2:11 If a man should walk in a false spirit
And speak a lie, saying,
‘I will prophesy to you of wine and drink,’
Even he would be the prattler of this people.

Observation: This has been happening for a while preachers that preach prosperity and that we all deserve to have what we want. This earth is not our home this is where God allows us to earn our rewards to be received in Heaven. If we have an abundance, we should be using that to help others and to spread the true gospel. We are Christians and in that we should be following Jesus’ example.

Application: I need to be more generous with what God gives me on this earth. My money and time should be used to further the kingdom and not my own welfare. I need to be more like my Lord and to be giving of all that He has blessed me with.

Prayer My Lord all that I have is yours. Show me how to use it to glorify You. Give me the heart that will please You and use me today to honor You.

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