Our Light Needs to Shine
Scripture Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
Observation: My actions must be holy and pleasing to God in a way that others can see God’s glory in my life. I enjoy walking the strand and harbor each day saying good morning, talking and praying with others because I know it honors and pleases God. I love when my light shines so that others can see and are encouraged by what God has me doing.
Application: The last couple of days people have been encouraging me to continue praying with others. The last six months have been my best as God walks with me each day. I need to continue to listen to God and what He wants of me. I need to control my actions and emotions so that others can only see the light God has put in me.
Prayer My Lord thank you for this awesome responsibility You have given me. Continue to use me in a way that others can see my love for You. Help me be bold in telling others how awesome You are. Thank you, Lord, for all that You bless me with.