Don’t Worry About Tomorrow
Scripture Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Observation: When I was suffering from depression that was one of my biggest problems that I would worry about everything. I was consumed with past mistakes, troubles I was dealing with and possible anxieties that might be coming my way. I never enjoyed the moment I was in and therefore had no joy in my life.
Application: God has helped me see how my constant worrying was destroying my life. I live one day at a time and search for God’s blessings that are always around me and thank Him all day long. Whenever I feel myself worrying, I take it in prayer to my Lord and seek for His guidance in each situation. He always reminds me it’s one day at a time and each day He is there with me.
Prayer My Lord thank you for always being there for me and all that You bless me with each day. I know this place is temporary and that I have a home with you for all eternity. May I be a blessing to You each day and that a day doesn’t go by that I don’t bring a smile to your face.