Called to Protect our Children
Scripture Mark 9:42 “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea.
Observation: Our world today aborts babies; sex traffics children and abuses them and we wonder what is wrong. There aren’t enough millstones to go around to all the perpetrators of this offence. Children were always special to Jesus He even says unless we become like them, we can’t enter the kingdom of heaven. To ignore the welfare of our children is like ignoring God’s commands.
Application: When I walk along the beach it brings me joy to watch the children playing on the playground with their parents watching on. With all the evil that goes on I’m very careful on how I approach children saying hi from a distance. I love when a child wants to pet Brando and I ask the parents if it’s okay before letting them. Children can bring so much joy to our lives just by watching them be children.
Prayer Dear Lord please watch over our children and keep them from danger. Defend them from the evil that roams about and punish anyone that would abuse this special gift.