Coming as Little Children
Scripture Mark 10:15 Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.”
Observation: Why are we called to come to Jesus as little children? Children are not burdened with life’s problems, they are in the moment, trusting, loving and need someone to care for them. That is what Jesus wants for us. He must be our priority in this life and we need to go to Him as life gets harder and trust in Him to care for us, His children.
Application: It’s hard for me at times I want to fix things myself and not depend on others. I need to realize I was created and the only one that knows my directions is my creator. He has the plan for my life and if I’m obedient and trust Him He will accomplish that plan for His glory, which is why I’m here.
Prayer My Lord may I continue to ask You what Your desires are for my life. That I will trust You each day and keep on the path You have chosen for me. My role is your servant may I do a good job at doing that.