Jesus is Must Be Angry
Scripture Mark 3:5 And when He had looked around at them with anger, being grieved by the hardness of their hearts, He said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” And he stretched it out, and his hand was restored as whole as the other.
Observation: Jesus must be looking around today and noticing all of us with hard hearts. We lack respect for each other and we don’t keep God’s commandments, but look after our own needs. Each day seems to be getting worse as this world draws farther away from God and closer to the enemy. Jesus will have the last word once When He comes again.
Application: I’m not sure what God is waiting for since we have turned this world into a living Hell. This world has turned its back to God and I must do whatever it is God is calling me to do to reach the people He puts into my life. I need to stay focused on God’s will and not the hard hearts around me. I need to keep my heart soft to others and my Lord.
Prayer My Lord I can only imagine how angry and disappointed You must be. I know You knew this would happen and I believe the time might be short before You end it. Help me stay focused on what You want done in my life and not concerned about the things I have no control over.